Keep Growing

Keep Growing

I’m bacccck!!! You guys haven’t heard from me in a while , that’s because I’ve been too busy GLOin and growing. Since the last time we share I’ve grown in ways that I thought I had already reached my highest potential in. Guess who lied to me 👀?!?!… Me!!

Somewhere along the line I felt like it was time for a change but I wasn’t sure what type of change. I felt like my personal business and my big business had reached its highest potential in the place I was in mentally. At that point I knew I needed a push to elevate myself mentally so I started to pay attention to the things I entertained. The things I watched, people I spoke to , the types of energies I attracted, everything down to the damn podcast I listened to. I sat in a moment of self reflection.

I sorta still am in that moment but I feel more in control and In the know. I am more clear and conscious of my goals and how to get there on my time. I’ve cut out distractions that didn’t look like just that but were. Im more present for myself than ever before and I must say for once it feels soo good to be able to show up for me this way.

Friend it’s okay to step away as long as you have a plan to come back to. You can do this as many times as need be as long as you come back with a greater purpose and as a brighter you. Life will drag us up and down streets and alleys hunni but the key is to never stop pushing. Things do get greater later. Reward comes to those who put in the works. So whatever your dream is, whatever you are facing or going through push , plan and reevaluate in order to get to where you need to be . You are not the only one going through depression, sadness, sickness, guilt, pressure, financial troubles, self-doubt. Many experience the same things but know how to hide it better.

A new year is coming and I want us to prepare. Nope, not on NYE but now. Start creating the you that allows you to live in your full free truth and purpose. Let’s do it now because we got stuff to do later!!💪🏿💪🏿

It’s never too late!!

And it’s nobodies business just do you!!

Happiest Holidays!

Sending love and light❤️

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