The Energy You Bring

The Energy You Bring

I’ve had so may people compliment me on the energy I bring. Im low-key, full of love, big smiles , embracing hugs and lots of “ hey loves”. Lately I’ve been seeing a different energy show up in me. I’ve been a little irritated, aggravated and not as grounded. I know I’ve been through a few health changes this month but could that be what’s making feel not like me?!?!

When I feel these ways I often keep that funky energy to myself instead of sprinkling it amongst others. I pray, rest, walk and cleanse myself to clear some of the darkness. Not everyone does this. Sometimes people are so okay with feeling those ways that they don’t mind sharing that heaviness with you. Misery loves company right? I mean it’s okay to talk to a close friend, join a support group, tell people how you feel BUT lately I’ve been seeing so many people take their feelings, emotions and not so good days out on others. This is completely unhealthy and will walk you right into the path of receiving heavy energy right back. I am so fortunate to have a circle that understands my true energy, can feel when my energy is off and is okay with giving me space when I must disappear for a moment to get my energy together. If you have folk around you that complain when you don’t pick up right away, don’t understand when you say I need a moment or space without feeling some type of way , always need to be attached to you not giving you a min for yourself, wanting to know your every move 😳……..RUN!!! This is what’s called Soul sucking. You’ve come too far to be set back by someone else’s draining ass energy. Please protect yourself and protect others by keeping your funky energy to yourself.

Remember to take a salt bath anytime to clear negativity that’s lingering and to realign yourself from darkness.

-keep it cute and clean 🧘🏾‍♂️

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