This one is for YOU

This one is for YOU

Let me start off by letting you know that you are kicking A$$ at what you are working towards. Doesn’t matter if you had to restart a few times, almost gave up a few times or had a few lazy days. You did not stop because it’s for YOU!!! Some people may not understand this thing, hobby, goal , journey or craft that you are working towards but that’s okay... it’s ONLY for you!!! Sometimes we are called by spirit in ways that we don’t even understand but deep down inside you feel that burning sensation that says “You Must Do”. I’m here to say do it and don’t stop until your mission is complete . I’ve been doubted sooo many times in my life but through the grace of higher power, people that believed in me and that Leo fire inside of my soul... I did not stop until my mission was complete for me. Completion may look different for everyone but key is don’t let any other human dictate what completion looks like for you. You’ve come so far, waited so long , prayed so hard and now it’s showing up for you because you showed up for you. Baby they may not ever understand but in 2023 This one’s for YOU!!!

Keep living the life that makes you feel complete!!❤️

Let them judge what they don’t understand!👩🏽‍⚖️

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